Saturday 6 April 2013

Hi! Welcome to my blog!

Hey! Welcome

Hey guys! Finally made a blog, took ages to work out. Had to use my dad's phone number :| Anyway, my name on MSP is Emmergirl! I'm a jury, celeb and a VIP. I'm also on ClubPenguin if your're interested :p. I used to play ClubPenguin all the time! In fact, my user is 1378 days old! :o Yeah! Now I never EVER play it anymore. HARDLY I log on once or twice, but EH. My name on ClubPenguin is Miss Make. :| Don't Judge meh! So yeah, my back-up acount on MSP is BubbleGirl609 who got to level 3 in 3 DAYS! thx guys! So sorry for a long post, just trying to introduce you to what I do. Bye xx

P.S. My Google+ profile pic is a long time ago. I look hotter now xD


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